Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How did the Dust Bowl change the way people live?

The Dust Bowl changed the way people lived because they were forced to cover their mouths to prevent dust from entering their lungs (Ganzel). Farmer’s crops were destroyed and all of the soil was blown around because it was dry and windy (Sander). It was so bad that schools had to close and if you were outside for too long you could suffocate or get lost in the dust storms (Pulmes). You could also get dust pneumonia which was caused when dust got into people’s lungs. In the 1930s, 500 people died of dust pneumonia. There was no cure but people attempted to treat themselves with vaseline, lard, kerosene, turpentine, and skunk oil. 


How did the Dust Bowl impact travel?

The Dust Bowl impacted travel because when the dust storms came down onto the road the people driving could not see where they were going. On April 14, 1935 Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, Kansas and New Mexico were hit with the largest dust storm in U.S history(pbs.org) . Farmers in these states were digging up 6 feet  of soil from the ground in order to plant crops. Then the wind started to come and the soil started to move with the wind. A dust tornado was formed. The dust raised up to 10,000 feet into the air and it traveled from Oklahoma all the way up to New York and Boston. Traveling from place to place was very hard when this occurred and over thousnds of acciedents occurred as a result(go.grolier.com).After the Dust Bowl was finished the soil was depleted a couple of feet and the farmers lost $25,000,000 a day. As a result many farmers moved west to find a good place to farm (history.com). The static electricty created from the dust storms impact electronics/cars because the dust knocked down all of the power lines which makes electricity unable to be performed. That also influences cars as well because no one could see from of all the dust created up in the air and people were driving which created thousnds of accidents as well.
Arthur Rothstien 

How did the Dust Bowl impact people's crops?

The dust affected crops due to a drought. The crops that were planted included wheat,corn,tomatoes and more(Living History Farms). Severe droughts continued for-years (Grolier). Wind erosion also caused a lot of damage to crops(Lewis). Not only severe droughts and wind erosion caused damages to crops, rabbits, and crickets did as well. Crickets caused severe damage to wheat crops.

(Money and Markets)

How did the Dust Bowl impact jobs?

The dust bowl impacted jobs in the 1930s because half of the residents living in the Dust Bowl states moved away.(grolier) Farmers lost their land and had to close businesses to residents so they were making almost no money.(living history farm.org) Relief jobs were created in America for those who had lost their jobs. Although these jobs were created as temporary jobs and people made only 40% of their normal hourly earnings, many people spent several years employed at such positions.(citeseerx.ist.psu.edu) Often storms blew fences away and destroyed livestock causing farmers to lose a great source of income.(livinghistoryfarm.org)


What was the impact on people after the Dust Bowl?

 The dust storms caused lots of property damage, as well as killing farm animals and destroying homes (Living history.org). The storms caused hundreds of acres of crops to be lost.   This left hundreds of farmers without a means to support themselves.  So many farmers left their homes and moved to California.  These migrating farmers were called "Okies" (James N Gregory).

(Living History Farm)

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